
Sailing back to Harwich.  It was decided we would have an “End of Exercise” party on the way back (overnight crossing) so we had a function room booked for dinner and a free bar!  Free drinks all night to anyone wearing a 59 MC Sqn sweatshirt.  Dinner went well and everyone got well lubricated, the only problem being our function room was at the other end of the ship to the public disco area.

This meant that once the dinner was finished we had to get our drinks from our bar and then walk to the Disco.  I remember walking down the corridor with 6 Tequila Sunrises (you’ll try anything when it’s free!) on a tray with all 6 straws in my mouth, when I got down to the disco I had to return to the bar as I had drank them all and so this continued!

The hierarchy started to get a bit miffed when they heard certain members of the squadron ordering pints of champagne.

There was also a bit of a rumpus when a Rocker with shoulder length hair was seen getting free drinks form the bar, when the staff were challenged they said he had the requisite sweatshirt on! When this was checked it turned out that Andy (Cozy) Coster had swapped his sweatshirt for an Ice Hockey shirt with a member of Uriah Heep.


